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Library Minutes Preliminary 7/6/11
Preliminary Minutes
Trustees Meeting
Stephenson Memorial Library
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
7:00 p.m.
Jami Bascom             MaryAnn Grant                   Gail Smith
Neal Brown              Jim Grant                               Andre Wood
Bruce Dodge             Bob Marshall                            Zeb Wood

1.  Technology Plan:  7:03 p.m.
Reviewed the first draft of the library technology plan that Bruce developed.  He looked at tech plans from many libraries of varying sizes.  He picked out elements he liked from those reviewed.  Bruce presented his draft.  A lengthy discussion ensued.  Andre had a few suggestions for us to consider.  Web based support vs local support is an item that still needs to be determined.  Our librarians will contact other colleagues to help us think through the pros and cons for both types of support.  Actions to be taken so we can continue to move forward include:  a.  Bruce will revise and update the tech plan with Andre’s input.   b.   Bruce will circulate a narrative for the CIP to the trustees.  c.  Neal and Bob will take the narrative and put it in the proper format for the CIP due July 25, 2011.

2.  Technology Update:  7:55 p.m.
Andre presented the original estimate and official invoice for the services and server he provided to the library.  MaryAnn, as treasurer, will keep the invoice.

3.  Minutes:  7:58 p.m.
June minutes were reviewed and discussed.  They were accepted as is by unanimous vote.

4.  Treasurer’s Report:  8:05 p.m.
Reviewed monthly and yearly budget figures.  Made small correction in debits to the Library’s checking account.  MaryAnn shared her findings from her meeting with Katherine regarding how our bills for electricity, telephone, and heating fuel are determined and paid.  Edited report was accepted by unanimous vote.

5.  Library Director’s Report:  8:22 p.m.
June 2011 statistics were reviewed and discussed.  Data from June 2010 was added to the report.  Amended report was accepted by unanimous vote.

6.  Librarian Issues:  8:30 p.m.
The following three topics were discussed:
a.  Mailbox – After consulting with the Postmaster, it has been agreed that a mailbox at the library will be installed.  Patti recommends the placement of the mailbox to be on the east side of the driveway close to the sidewalk.   Bob will obtain needed materials from Belletetes, the cost of which will be deducted from general supplies.  Gail will confer once more with Patti before the mailbox is installed.
b.  Recommendation regarding the status of Children’s Librarian – Kristin’s 90 day trial period has been completed.  Gail recommends that we continue to employ Kristin and raise her hourly rate to $14.50.  This should fit in with our current salary line item in the budget.  Gail also recommends that the title of Children’s Librarian be changed to Youth Services Coordinator.
c.  Weeding the Library Collection – Gail recommends that a week during the year be set aside for weeding the library collection.  This week would be closed to the public so that the librarians can efficiently and effectively take care of the library’s collection.  This is the policy at many of our neighboring libraries.  The trustees agreed that a week from regular operations to weed the collection is appropriate.  Gail and Kristin will confer and pick a date that they believe will have the least impact on patrons.

All three items were approved by unanimous vote by the trustees.

7.  Bookcase Bids:  8:53p.m.
Bob reported that the only bid received was from David Bridgewater.  We will table this issue until our next meeting.  The trustees appreciate David’s timeliness in returning his bid for the project.

8.  CIP Plans:  8:56 p.m.
a.  Technology Plan - The tech plan was discussed at the beginning of our meeting.  
b.  Foundation Repair – Since our last meeting in June 2011, Neal had Contractor Mark Schaal come look at the basement leakage issue to offer his suggestions on how best to repair.  Tonight Neal show the rest of the trustees what they found.  Under the stairs leading to the basement, there are holes in the foundation wall.  There is a large hole where a water pipe comes into the building that shows evidence of washout.  Mark advised that the first step should be to cement and plug the holes.  This may solve the entire water issue or a portion of it.  Bruce suggested that the amount for the repair come from the town budget for building maintenance.  The question arose concerning where the library’s water supply originates.  
MaryAnn will ask Bill Harper to look at the defects in the wall under the stair and give a current estimate for the basement leak repair.  She will also ask him if he knows where the vent for the basement bathroom is located and where the well is located.  The well location should be on the Dig Safe Map from the library addition construction.
Bob reminded us that the outside front steps may be part of our water issue and should be considered in estimates from contractors.

9.  Library Director’s Job Description:  9:25 p.m.
Jami will contact Lil or Adele to review our job description draft.  Her first contact with Lil (NHLTA) became involved with other issues concerning policy and trustee by-laws.  

10.  Remaining Goals for 2011:  9:35 p.m.
We reviewed our remaining goals for 2011.  These included:
        Develop a long-range tech plan and a means to fund it (MTFI)
        Develop a plan to conserve the building’s energy and a MTFI – energy detective idea to go to energy committee
        Develop a plan to address the basement leakage and a MTFI
        Develop a plan to address the condition of the building’s soffits and a MTFI
        Review policy manual and trustee by-laws – MaryAnn will organize these so the review process can begin. Bruce suggested that a library volunteer could type these out and create a PDF computer file.
        Review our handling of statistics (PDF Neal sent us)
11.  Other Business:  9:40 p.m.
There are some safety issues Gail would like to address.  We will discuss at our next meeting.

Meeting adjourned 9:45 p.m.